

Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatments May Be Tax Deductible

A taxpayer is allowed an itemized deduction for medical expenses paid during the taxable year and not...

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Health Savings Accounts Fill Multiple Tax Needs

The Health Savings Account (HSA) is one of the most misunderstood and underused benefits in the Internal...

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Bunching Your Deductions Can Provide Big Tax Benefits

If your tax deductions normally fall short of itemizing your deductions or even if you are able to itemize,...

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Not-Being-Insured Penalty Eliminated

Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, imposed what a “share-responsibility...

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Tax Tips for Disabled Taxpayers

Taxpayers with disabilities may qualify for a number of tax credits and benefits. Parents of children...

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Additional Medicare (Hospital Insurance) Tax - High-Income Taxpayers

The Medicare (aka Hospital Insurance (HI)), tax rate (currently at 1.45%) would be increased by 0.9 percentage...

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How Does the Affordable Care Act Affect You and Your Taxes?

The health care legislation, the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), signed into law in 2010 affects...

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$500,000 Compensation Deduction Limit for Health Insurance Issuers

For services performed during that year, a covered health insurance provider isn't allowed a compensation...

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Impairment-Related Medical Expenses

Amounts paid for special equipment installed in the home or for improvements may be included in medical...

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American Health Benefit Exchanges

Each state may establish an Insurance Exchange (more often termed the Marketplace) to help individuals...

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Long - Term Care For Elderly

Many taxpayers as they get older acquire insurance to cover the costs of their care should they become...

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Fee on Self-insured Health Plans -Patient-centered Outcomes Research Fee

Section 4376 of the tax code imposes a fee equal to $2 multiplied by the average number of lives covered...

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